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Please enjoy your learning. . .
Some people think that it
is better to educate boys and girls in separate schools. Others, however,
believe that boys and girls benefit more from attending mixed school.
Discuss both of these
views and give your own opinion.
Give reasons for your
answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
You should write at least 250 words.
Sample Answer:
Different individuals have their own opinion about the type of schools for the young people. Some believe having single sex educational institutions benefits the student's professional development while others believe that they should be taught in co-educational schools. In this essay, both the viewpoints will be critiqued before reaching the reasoned conclusion.
You should write at least 250 words.
Sample Answer:
Different individuals have their own opinion about the type of schools for the young people. Some believe having single sex educational institutions benefits the student's professional development while others believe that they should be taught in co-educational schools. In this essay, both the viewpoints will be critiqued before reaching the reasoned conclusion.
On the one hand, there are
the groups of people who consider that the girls and the boys should learn in
mixed sex schools. The main reason for this belief is that these schools are
the representatives of the real life in which men and women have to stay
together. In other words, these institutions concentrate on developing
children's social skills for the better adult life. Thus, it is apparent that
the students getting qualified from such schools can easily adjust in the
actual world, resulting in a peaceful life.
On the other hand, some
individuals feel that the pupils passed out of the single-sex schools have
greater chances of successful career. They believe this because according to
them studying with the same gender reduces the distractions and helps them to
concentrate more on studies. Furthermore, the boys and the girls may have
different needs and ways of learning which can be satisfied in the schools with
same sex students. Therefore, the theory that such learners progress more in
their profession is difficult to debunk.
In conclusion, although
these students have prosperous work life, they can lack the social skills.
Hence, it is proved that people should prefer admitting their kids in the mixed
sex schools for their personal as well as professional growth. It is expected
that the government will try to increase the number of such schools in the
[ by Aqeela]
Refrence: Mentor IELTS. IELTS
Writing Task 2 Sample 437 - Boys and girls benefit more from attending mixed
school.19 Desember 2015. http://www.ielts-mentor.com/writing-sample/writing-task-2/1445-ielts-writing-task-2-sample-437-boys-and-girls-benefit-more-from-attending-mixed-school