IELTS Writing Essay Practice, Task 7 - Sukrisno Nino
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25 Desember 2015

IELTS Writing Essay Practice, Task 7

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1. Buku Kosong.
2. Pulpen/Pensil.
3. Penghapus.
4. Time Keeper. (Bisa pakai hp atau sejenisnya. Yang terpenting buat timer)
Apa yang harus aku lakukan?
1. Baca pertanyaannya dari essaynya.
2. Baca dan pelajari model essaynya.
3. Kalau sudah, kamu tulis essay minimal 250 kata dalam waktu 40 minutes.
4. Selesai tidak selesai, dalam waktu 40 minute harus berhenti. (Tidak boleh ada tambahan waktu)
Kalau sudah, apa yang harus aku lakukan?
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Note: Tulis sebisamu dan semampumu dalam waktu tersebut. Tulis sesuai pengalamanmu dan  menurut idemu. Tidak boleh mencontek dari artikel atau mengambil ide dari bacaan dibawah ini. Tidak boleh membuka kamus apapun. Jika sudah, diamkan tulisanmu dan baca lagi model essaynya dari sample dibawah ini. Kalau ada vocab yang gak bisa, bisa dibuka kamus kalau sudah selesai waktunya. Kamu tidak boleh mengedit tulisan tersebut. Ulangi lagi next day, InsyaAllah akan ada contoh sample essay yang lain.
Jika kamu kurang puas, next day artikel ini bisa dibaca ulang lagi dan teruslah berlatih sampai kamu puas dengan tulisanmu. Lakukan menulis ini sehari sekali agar kamu tidak bosen. Jika tulisanmu kurang bagus karena grammar atau vocabulary yang kurang, belajar lagi di dua case tsb. Ulangi lagi latihan menulisnya hari berikutnya dan jika kurang puas, ulangi lagi dengan cara tadi. Jika sudah puas atau mau skip, bisa next essay sample question yang lain.
Kamu akan rugi jika hari ini setelah membaca artikel ini tapi kamu tidak berlatih menulis. Berlatihlah ketika kamu belum bisa dan berproses terus memperbaiki sampai bisa. Kalau yang kamu bisa lakukan bahasa Inggrisnya campur2, lakukan sebisamu dan lakukan yang terbaik. InsyaAlllah kamu bisa dapat nilai IELTS yang tinggi. Teruslah berproses hingga hari ini lebih baik dari kemarin, at least, hari ini melakukan yang terbaik yaitu sudah mencoba berlatih lebih dari yang kemarin.
Semoga bisa membantu, semangat ya dan terus belajar. Mulai dari yang kamu dan teruslah belajar.
Yuk pelajari. . . Ajak temenmu untuk belajar ini. Siapa tahu, temenmu bisa bantu kamu untuk koreksi atau saling koreksi satu sama lain… ^.^
Please enjoy your learning. . .
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:
Nowadays food has become easier to prepare. Has this change improved the way people live?
Give reasons for your answer using your own ideas and experience.
Write at least 250 words.
Model Answer 1:
Food is one of the fundamental needs of human lives, and from the ancient period till this ultra-modern tech-time people have invented different ways to prepare and customize foods. The customs and ways people prepare foods and present to others vary depending on the race, culture and country. But the most fundamental need of preparing foods is to fulfil the very basic human need: hunger. Preparing foods was very cumbersome in earlier ages but with the advancement of human knowledge and technology, men have created many devices and made many new ways of easily making foods. The number of restaurants and fast-food shops are ever increasing and that have omitted the need to prepare the food at all. The advanced technology like rice cooker, meal cooker and easy availability of ingredients nowadays help people to prepare food in no time and that has improved the way of people’s lifestyle.

People now spend less time preparing foods and can utilize this time in other tasks like professional tasks, reading, entertainment and spending time with family and friends. Thus people get more productive and social because of the increased time they have.

Quick food has become very popular which omits the needs of cooking and professionals, students and business person are having those foods in their lunch time. This is a significance improvement of saving time and using it more productively. Though the fast foods have some health issues, the ever increasing popularity of it shows the needs to have more time in our busy life and saving this time from the allotted time from cooking. The cooking machines help the housewives to prepare the foods easily and they do not have to spend time in a hot kitchen to prepare food. This is leap towards a modern life where foods can be prepared virtually anywhere and in few minutes.

In summary, the improved way of cooking helps people nowadays to save time and cook in a more convenient place. This help them to spend time in more important things and lead a life without much hassle. 
(This model answer has been prepared by the site developer. However, please note that this is just one example out of many possible answers.)
Idea Generation for this IELTS Essay:
Essay Type: Discussion Essay.
Main question of this IELTS Essay:
A. Has the easier food preparation process nowadays improved the way people live?
Discussion Points: How the easier food preparation process nowadays improved the way people live.
Ways how the easy food preparation has improved the way people live nowadays:
Having more spare-time for other activities, like entertainment.
Control their diet by the calculation of calorie being used by appliances.
Decreasing the rate of danger. The rate of explosion has been decreased by using of new appliances.
People are able to prepare their food at their workplace or study by using appliances like microwave woven, rice cooker, coffee-maker etc.
Fresher products are more available thanks to new technology of freezing.
It saves time and people can get involved in more important tasks.
Dependency on fast food shops and restaurant could be avoided.
Saves the logs and woods needed to cook in the past time.
It has reduces the work load for housewives and cooks.
It is possible to cook variety of foods with the help of latest technological devices.
Cases where this has failed to improve the way people live:
Higher fat, salt, and less fiber applied on processed foods or fast foods have increased risk of obesity, hypertension, and cardiovascular diseases.
Probable hazardous consequences of microwave radiation on humans’ health.
Eating more meat products has increased risk of cancer.
Meals have become less tasteless compared to the traditional ones (GM foods).
These latest home appliances for cooking consume electricity.
Using of juice instead of fruit has led people to intake less vitamins and minerals.
[The above points should be helpful to aid you generating your own ideas and then turning them in to a nicely written IELTS Essay. Add any point you think we have missed in the comment section.]
Model Answer 2:
Most of the food items that were hard to prepare and restricted to experienced chefs are now easily available off the shelf or are made easy to prepare with modern recipes. But like any other thing, this also has its advantages and disadvantages.

Firstly, most of these foods are high in saturated fats and eventually leads to obesity. They cannot become substitute to our staple diet that is still not so easy to prepare due to nature of its cooking methods. For example, for most of the Indians, the staple diet includes combination of Indian breads, pulses and curries. It is not possible to make it much easier even using modern equipment or methods. Secondly, most of the easy to prepare food items either have very little shelf life or they need to be kept frozen (or both). Thus they cannot match the nutrition of freshly prepared traditional home food.

Having said that, these easy to prepare food items are a boon to students or other people, who stay away from home. They are definitely better that eating in restaurants or street food. Although not as good as home food, they definitely purpose the purpose to get “home like” food. Also, most of these food items come with handy instructions and pre-mixed ingredients. With simple instructions, anybody can cook most of the recipes now. This has life easier for many across the globe.

With advent of easy availability of raw ingredients, it has not become much easier to cook recipes at home that was previous possible to cherish in high end restaurants. For instance, the Italian pastas, which requires many types of sauces, is now easy to prepare at home and all these sauces are now just a call away from a local grocery shop.

In conclusion, this is a much welcomed and positive change and it has definitely improved our lives.

(Submitted by Vikram Soni)

Model Answer 3:
Over the past decade, the food industry had tremendous growth and improvements. This, together with technological advancements, has made it much easier to prepare food and cook at home.

Ready-made meals bought frozen or canned form the shops is a great life saver for those who work, since all that is needed is to defrost or open the can and enjoy. Although this is a method of preserving all the goodness, but freshly prepared food is definitely better for health. Many of the vitamins and minerals may be lost during the freezing or canning process.

Technology on the other hand has speeded up the food preparation process. Kitchen aid tools such as electric choppers and grinders reduce the entire work load and the food can be prepared at the blink of an eye. Not only it requires less effort compared to the past, but it also saves time, which can be put to other tasks.

The other technological advancement that has helped with food preparation is microwave ovens. This device benefits from short waves that can penetrate food easily and thus cook or warm the food very quickly. In spite of being a huge advancement and saving on time and energy, long term studies and scientific evidence are not supporting the use of such devices and they are being blamed for at least minor risks if used on a long term daily basis.

In conclusion, the process of food preparation has become much easier nowadays and this has had both positive and negative effects on our lives. Every individual should consider wisely how to prepare their food to ensure good health.

(Submitted by Narges Mahmoudi)

Model Answer 4:
Food is one of the fundamental needs for the people. People are slowly increasing passion towards the taste of the food and some people are becoming crazy about the food .These people always require different tastes and invent new and easy methods to prepare food. This new inventions always change the lifestyle and let us discuss how it made the difference in our life.

Old is gold always. Certain people do not want to miss the raw taste and use the new machinery like mixers or grinders. They want to prepare in old style without machinery and grasp complete taste of food. Still my grandfather never uses machinery and enjoys the raw taste.

There is other side of coin always. Now a days, people are becoming busy and don't have time to spend much for cooking food. So they started inventing new methods which made cooking easy. People invented new machinery like gas stoves, induction stoves, cookers, mixers and many more. All these inventions changed people's lifestyle. It saved people's time and people started investing time in other activities. And these new inventions also produced good taste and different varieties and caused dramatic change in lifestyle. I always use all possible machinery to prepare tasty food for my family. And especially in restaurants, chefs use latest technology to prepare tasty food and this has changed the lifestyle too. Nowadays people can get food with whatever calories they want in their daily life

In Conclusion, I prefer to prepare tasty food in easy methods using latest machinery.

(Submitted by Kumar)

Model Answer 5:
Compared with people in the past, we concern far less on the preparation of food today, thanks to the development of agriculture and scientific technology. A fair amount of beneficial influence is occurring to us consequently.

The first to be benefited is travellers. It has been much probable for one to carry out the plan of a trip or expedition to remote areas. As a matter of fact, a diversity types of food are designed for outdoor trips, for example, compressed biscuit. Without worrying about starving, a man can push it to the limit wherever he would like to go -- Mount Everest or South Pole.

For most common people, it has been realistic to put their energy mainly on other aspects, work or interest, rather than what to have for meals. Some prefer working all the time in order to earn as much money as they can. Others develop their interests or hobbies like sports, music instruments, or photographing. Whatever people choose to spend time on, they feel their lives are satisfying and fulfilling.

Attitude toward life matures as well. Humans are no longer bothered with preparation of food. Our focus now is to improve the standard of life: how to make things more effective? Thus, numerous significant achievements have taken place recently in every subject. Sciences and technologies, arts and humanities are swiftly striding forward, and still accelerating. Therefore, without concerning about food preparation, the pattern of human evolvement changes fundamentally.

To conclude, the benefits to both individuals and the whole human race is clearly demonstrated. And I believe that food preparation will account for even less in our life in the future.

(Submitted by Jifang Zhang)

Model Answer 6:
Advancement in the technology, such as microwave woven and rice cooker, has provided efficient options for cooking food. This has reduced the overall time required for cookery. Thus it is believed that this has enhanced the lifestyle of the human being's to a greater extent. In this essay, we will analyse how this methods allow people to spend their spare time practicing their hobbies and provide healthy food options for the young people.
To begin with, availability of new methodologies have minimized the cooking period making it possible for them to utilise this span for enjoying the skills of their interest. For instance, using rice cooker usually takes half the time when compared to the conventional gas cooking. This example clearly shows that the individuals who prefer this cooker will manage to get some extra idle time for them. Thus, it is obvious that this moment can be efficiently used for improving their expertise as well as for the relaxing purpose.
In addition, students can cook food for themselves with the aid of these advance innovations and hence, they can feed on the healthy home-made food. A good illustration for this is the utilisation of microwave by the bachelors who have to stay away from the family for study or work purpose. Usage of this microwave enables them to cook food quickly since very few steps are involved in microwave cooking and thereby, they do not need to depend on restaurants for food. As a consequence, health of these young people is maintained since they will intake less amount of artificial food.
From the above examples, the benefits of easy methodologies for preparation of the culinary are difficult to debunk. It is thus hoped that more development will take place in regards to cooking which will ease the life of the masses in the foreseeable future.
(Submitted by Aqeela)

Model Answer 7:
Unlike earlier times, cooking as a process has become compact and facile today.  Now the question is, has this affected our lifestyle? Or is it unbiased? Gone are those days when mother used to spend hours in hot kitchen to cook nutritious food for her family members. Fast food being the buzzword for today, all find little or no time to cook for themselves and family. As a result, processed or easy to cook foods flood the market these days. However, this has brought some dramatic changes to the quality of our lifestyles, though with a few health concerns as discussed below.
In this era of globalization, where work and time dictates your day, seldom does one find time to cook a full course lunch or dinner. Since both parents work urban world witness more and more children thriving on fast foods like burger, sandwich etc. It is natural that parents are not getting enough time to cook more ethnic food for them; instead they work more to earn more, thus improving their lifestyle. People find more time to spend with family than before. An exemplification would be that of a busy office lady late from work, prepares easy cook meal for dinner and prefers to spend time from kitchen with children. The improvement in the system would be a stronger family bonding! Likewise, a student finds these easy foods a real boon during their hostel days when both time and skill to cook are scanty.
Travelers are other category who admires easy to prepare meals, as cooking during a picnic or a business tour would be cumbersome. This also facilitates more family picnics and outing together.  A quick breakfast like an egg sandwich would be the best buy for a viva student on that given exam day! So would be it for a working mother on an office meeting day! So it is a matter of fact, that the new trend in food preparation has had an impact on our lifestyle. It has helped us to improve our quality of life.
Now turning on the coin, does these fast foods or easy to cook meals pose a health threat? Many studies show a steep climb in the number of cancerous patients in United States in recent years. One main factor considered responsible for this is the frozen and fast foods.  The burgers and sandwiches come with a hand full of issues that can deprive you health wise. Majority of fast foods are prepared in oil with saturated fats that can cause problems to your body systemic circulation. Consumed on a daily basis, it can lead you to cardiac problems even.
To conclude I would say that though it comes with a few health concerns, easy to cook trend has definitely improvised our quality of life. Now much depends on our conscientious to use fast foods only when it is an absolute necessity- for example on a busy day at office!
(Submitted by Vineeth)

Refrence: Mentor IELTS. IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample 2 - Nowadays food has become easier to prepare.19 Desember 2015.

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