Exercise Present Participle and Past Participle (Adjective) - Sukrisno Nino
News Update

20 September 2019

Exercise Present Participle and Past Participle (Adjective)

Exercise Present Participle and Past Participle (Adjective)

A. Write this sentence, translate it into Indonesia and underline the present and past participle.
1. Served with milk and sugar, it makes a delicious breakfast.
2. Most of the people invited to the party were neighbors.
3. Not knowing what to do, I called the doctor.
4. The people concerned have been informed.
5. The professor is admired by his students.
6. I was annoyed by the way she spoke to me.
7. I found her sitting at a table covered with papers.
8. I was very amused by her performance.
9. Her performance was really amusing.
10. The first runner came in closely followed by the second.

B. Complete These Sentence
 1.- I can’t finish this book. It’s very _______________ (bore)
 2.- After such a long walk I was really  _______________ (tire)
 3.- On Christmas night children can’t sleep because they are  _______________ about
      the presents they are going to get. (excite)
 4.- Winter days are dark and ______________. I prefer summer. (depress)
 5.- I’ve got _______________ news. Do you want to hear it? (surprise)
 6.- After an_______________ day, we only wanted to go to bed as soon as possible.
 7.- You look _______________ . Do you have any problem? (worry)
 8.- I can’t eat this. It’s _______________ . (disgust)
 9.- We saw many _______________ places during our holiday. (interest)
10.- She doesn’t like flying. She’s _______________ . (frighten)
11.- It was very _______________ for Tom when he was caught travelling without a
       ticket. (embarrass)
12.- Liz was very _______________ when she had to wait for Harry for half an hour. (annoy)
13.- Martin eats like a pig. Everybody is _______________when they see him eat. (disgust)
14.- I didn’t know what to do. The situation was very _______________ . (embarrass)
15.- I’m not _______________ . I just don’t want to talk about that. (annoy)
16.- Doing sport is so _______________. And I always feel hungry afterwards. (tire)
17.- I’m _______________ . Why don’t we go out? (bore)
18.- She has been very _______________ since she lost her job. (depress)
19.- Is there anything _______________ to do at the weekend? (excite)
20.- John has passed all his exams. Isn’t it _______________ ? He never studies.
21.- She’s very shy. She’s always _______________ to talk to strangers. (embarrass)
22.- They say the economical situation is_______________ .  (worry)
23.- My friends were . _______________ when I told them that funny joke. (amuse)
24.- Peter told us such a _______________ story that nobody could believe it. (amuse)
25.- She is _______________ . She has been working all day. (exhaust)
26. - She thinks wild animals are ___________ but not all of them are dangerous. (frighten)
27.-  He was very _______________ with the results of his exam. (disappoint)
28.- When they told me I had won the prize I was really _______________I couldn’t  
       believe it!  (amaze)
29.- I think I could do with a _____________________ holiday. (relax)
30.- It was such a _____________________ story everybody ended up crying. (move)

C. Choose either a present or past participle to fill in the gaps:

  • amazing/amazed
  • amusing/amused
  • annoying/annoyed
  • boring/bored
  • challenging/challenged
  • confusing/confused
  • depressing/depressed
  • disappointing/disappointed
  • disgusting/disgusted
  • encouraging/encouraged
  • embarrassing/embarrassed
  • exciting/excited
  • exhausting/exhausted
  • fascinating/fascinated
  • frightening/frightened
  • frustrating/frustrated
  • insulting/insulted
  • interesting/interested
  • moving/moved
  • pleasing/pleased
  • relaxing/relaxed
  • satisfying/satisfied
  • shocking/shocked
  • surprising/surprised
  • thrilling/thrilled
  • tiring/tired
  • worrying/worried

1. After running 50 miles, the runners were ____________
2. Children are sometimes ______________, always shouting and making noise.
3. Everybody was ______________ to see John at the party. He never goes.
4. Everybody was listening. They were _________________ in the story.
5. I’m _______________ of spiders.
6. I’m very _______________. I’ll go to bed.
7. It’s _______________! I never thought I could win so much money.
8. Most boys think that going shopping is ______________
9. My brother never eats vegetables. He says they are _____________
10. She feels very ______________ because her mother has died.
11. She was ______________ because she had to explain why she was late in front of the class.
12. She was ________________ to hear the news about the accident.
13. That work is so ______________ that I have to go to bed as soon as I get home.
14. The children are very ______________ because they are having a party tomorrow.
15. The weather is autumn is sometimes _______________
16. There is a very _________________ article that I want to show you.
17. They were _______________ because they didn’t know anything about their son.
18. This game is ______________ . You’ll like it.
 19. When I am _______________ I go out and meet my friends.
 20. You always shout everybody when you’re ____________. Calm down, don’t get

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This is just an example, you can fill it later with your own note.