10 Vocabularies Attitude with Example Part I - Sukrisno Nino
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8 Januari 2020

10 Vocabularies Attitude with Example Part I

10 Vocabularies Attitude Part I

1. Amused (menghibur) verb
To make somebody laugh or smile
Example: these things will amuse you.

2. Angry (marah) adjective
Having strong feelings about something that you dislike very much or about an unfair situation.
Example: his behaviour really makes her angry.  

3. Apathetic (acuh tak acuh) adjective 
Showing no interest or enthusiasm
Example: these students are apathetic about school. 

4. Benevolent (penuh kebaikan) adjective
(especially of people in authority) kind, helpful and generous
Example: rudi has a benevolent attitude. 

5. Brave (berani) adjective 
(of a person) willing to do things which are difficult, dangerous or painful; not afraid.
Example: we have a brave people

6. Callous (Tak Berperasaan) Adjective
not caring about other people’s feelings or suffering
Example: We have a collous friend.

7. Facetious (Jenaka) adjective
trying to appear amusing and intelligent at a time when other people do not think it is appropriate, and when it would be better to be serious
Example: Stop being facetious; it is serious case

8. Fanciful (Fantastis) Adjective
based on imagination and not facts or reason
Example: You are a fanciful person

9. Flippant (Kurang Ajar) Adjective
showing that you do not take something as seriously as other people think you should
Example: Sorry,  we do not mean to say flippant.

10. Choleric (Mudah Tersinggung) Adjective
easily made angry
Example: Toni was a choleric student.

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