Common English Vocabulary Part 1 - Sukrisno Nino
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29 Agustus 2020

Common English Vocabulary Part 1

Common English Vocabulary 1-20 

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Here is the list of common English vocabulary series in English and Bahasa Indonesia, 1-20 words. When you can use all these words with confidence, your English vocabulary will be fully functional. You do not need to memorize all the stuff, just write it down on your paper and practice using it. 

English Common Vocabulary Part 1

1. about time (too) = to finally do something

"They've finally appointed a new chairman, and it's about time too."

2. above board = legal

"The tax loophole is all above board."

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3 across the board = including everyone or everything

"The pay increases will be applied across the board."

4. all in a day's work = a task that falls into normal daily work routines

"Dealing with emergencies is all in a day's work."

5. (all) par for the course = normal, to be expected

"Delays of up to six months are par for the course."

6. at loggerheads = to disagree strongly with someone

"The two managers were at loggerheads over the expansion plans."

7. at the helm = in charge (also "take the helm")

"He decided to step down after 20 years at the helm of the company he'd founded."

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8. back down = withdraw your demands in a negotiation, or accept you've lost the argument

"The union says that if we don't back down on our demands, they'll call a strike."

9. backlash = a negative consequence or reaction after an action or event

"If we make further losses, we risk a backlash from our investors." (Also, "a backlash against" something.)

10. backroom boys = people whose work is important but who don't get much recognition

"The backroom boys in the R&D department are essential to our innovation strategy."

11. backtrack / backpedal = change your opinion or decision on something, often to dilute it or "water it down"

"The government is backtracking on its proposals to increase inheritance tax."

12. (be) bailed out = given money to survive (a bailout)

"Will Spain be the next Eurozone country to require a bailout?"

13. ball park figure / estimate = an approximate amount

"Can you give me a ball park figure for the amount of tax we'll have to pay this year?"

14. (get) bang for your buck = get value for money

"I'm concerned we aren't getting much bang for our buck with these investments."

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15. (be a) barometer = a barometer is an instrument measuring changes in air pressure. Used as a business idiom, it means something that shows changes in market conditions, etc.

"The inflation rate is a useful barometer of the government's economic policies."

16. be loaded = be very rich

"Ask Daniel for a loan. He's loaded."

17. be on fighting form = to be in good (economic) shape.

"After the merger, the new company was on fighting form."

18. be on to a winner = do something which will probably be successful

"You're onto a winner with that website."

19. be / come under fire = be attacked or criticised

"The Sales Manager has come under fire for his average performance."

20. bean-counter = an accountant

"If you need to know the exact figures, go and ask the bean-counters."

Taken from Clare Whitmell's book, 505 Business English Idioms and Phrasal Verbs  

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