English Common Vocabulary Part 3
1. Accept: Menerima
She accepts my apology.
2. Accuse: Menuduh
Manto accused Nina of lying.
3. Achieve: Mencapai
Tuti achieved remarkable results
4. Acknowledge: Mengakui
She acknowledged receiving assistance.
5. Acquire: Memperole
Meg acquired many new friends.
6. Adapt: Menyesuaikan
He adapted himself to his new life.
7. Add: Menambah
Mr Sukamto added a room to my house.
8. Adjust: Menyesuaikan
They will soon adjust to living in a dormitory.
9. Admire: Mengagumi
He admires your confidence.
10. Admit: Mengakui
Rudi was embarrassed to admit making a mistake.