Expression of Opinion - Sukrisno Nino
News Update

31 Juli 2018

Expression of Opinion

Expression of Opinion
Composed by Sukrisno-Nino
Following meaning by oxford dictionary
a.      A view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.
b.      A statement of advice by an expert on a professional matter.
c.       Asking and Giving Opinion is expressions that is used for talking about argument or opinion of two or more people

1.    General Asking Opinion

ü  What do you think of…? (Bagaimana pendapatmu?)
ü  What is your opinion? (Apa pendapat mu?)
ü  What do you think about…? (Bagaimana pendapatmu?)
ü  What are you feeling? (Apa perasaanmu?)
ü  What your view on? (Bagaimana pandangan mu?)
ü  What is your reaction? (Apa reaksimu?)
ü  What do you like? (Apa yang kamu suka?)
ü  What is your idea? (Apa pendapatmu?)
ü  What is your comment? (Apa komentar mu?)
ü  How is your opinion? (Bagaimana pendapatmu?)
ü  How about this? (Bagaimana dengan ini?)
ü  How do you like? (Bagaimana menurutmu?)
ü  How was the trip? (Bagaimana perjalanan nya?)
ü  How do you think of my idea? (Bagaimana menurutmu pendapatku)
ü  How about…? (Bagaimana tentang…?)
ü  How do you feel? (Apa yang kamu rasakan?)
ü  How do you think? (Apa yang kamu pikirkan?)
ü  Please give me your opinion? (Tolong berikan aku pendapatmu?)
ü  Give me your comment? (Beri aku komentarmu?)
ü  Give me your reaction (Berikan reaksimu?)
ü  Do you have opinion of…? (Kamu punya pendapat tentang…?)
ü  Do you have any idea? (Kamu punya ide?)
ü  Do you like that? (Kamu menyukainya?)
ü  Do you think is it good? (Apakah kamu berfikir ini bagus?)

2.    General Giving Opinion

ü  In my opinion (Di pendapatku)
ü  I think…. (Menurut saya)
ü  I think that (Aku berfikir bahwa)
ü  I think I like it (Aku pikir aku menyukainya)
ü  I personally consider …. (Saya beranggap)
ü  In my opinian (Menurut Opini saya)
ü  I personally believe (Saya yakin)
ü  I tend to think that (Aku berpikir bahwa)
ü  It is my comment (Ini komentarku)
ü  In my view (Menurutku)
ü  As far I know (Sejauh yang aku tau)
ü  From my point of view (Dari pendapatku)
ü  The way I see is that (Caraku melihat ini yaitu)
ü  My comment is (Komentarku adalah)
ü  Excellent
ü  Good
ü  That’s quite right!
ü  Try again!

      a.     Giving opinion following the power of argument:
1. Weak (lemah)
  • I think…. (saya pikir…)
  • I don’t think… (Saya tidak berpikir...)
  • I’m fairly certain that…. (Saya cukup yakin bahwa..)
  • I’m quite certain that…. (Saya cukup yakin bahwa…)
  • I would have thought that…. (Saya akan berpikir bahwa..)
2. Medium (sedang)
  • I believe…. (Saya percaya…)
  • I don’t doubt that…. (Saya tidak meragukannya…)
  • I feel certain that… (Saya yakin bahwa…)           
  • My impression is that…. (Kesan menurut saya…)           
  • As I see it.. (Seperti yang saya lihat…)
  • It seems to me that… (Tampaknya bagi saya…)   
  • It strikes me that….. (Ini mengejutkan saya bahwa…)
3. Strong (kuat)
  • I’m absolutely certain that…. (Saya benar-benar yakin bahwa…)   
  • I’m convinced that…. (Saya yakin bahwa…)   
  • I strongly believe that… (Saya sangat percaya bahwa…)

      b.     Asking opinion in formal and informal way:
Formal :
  • ü  Have you got any comments on …..
  • ü  Do you have any idea?
  • ü  Do you have any opinion on ……
  • ü  Would you give me your opinion on……….?
  • ü  What is your reaction to ……
  • ü  What is your opinion about……….?
  • ü  What are you feeling about………….?
  • ü  What are your views on……….?
  • ü  Please give me your frank opinion?
  • ü  What do you think of…….?
  • ü  What do you think about………?
  • ü  What is your opinion?
  • ü  Why do they behave like that?
  • ü  Do you think it’s going?
  • ü  How do you like?
  • ü  How was the trip?
  • ü  How do you think of Rina’s idea ?
  • ü  How do you feel about this dicition?

        c.      Giving Opinion in formal and informal way:

  • ü  I personally believe …..
  • ü  I personally consider ….
  • ü  I personally think /feel ….
  • ü  I hold the opinion ….
  • ü  My own view of the matter is ……
  • ü  Well, personally …….
  • ü  If I had my view, I would …..
  • ü  I would argue that ……


  • ü  I think I like it.
  • ü  I don’t think I care for it.
  • ü  I think it is good/nice/terrific……..
  • ü  I think that awful/not nice/terrible…………
  • ü  I don’t think much of it.
  • ü  I don’t believe that….
  • ü  I am unconvinced that…..
  • ü  I don’t agree that……
  • ü  I think that……..
  • ü  In my opinion, I would rather……….
  • ü  In my case …..
  • ü  What I’m more concerned with ….
  • ü  What I have in my mind is………
  • ü  The way I see is that…………
  • ü  No everyone will agree with me, but ….
  • ü  To my mind …..
  • ü  From my point of view ….
  • ü  If you aks me, I feel ….
  • ü  Absolutely ………
      a)      Formal situation, usually we can use when we speak with parents, teacher, and lecturer and so on. Also in the office, hospital, etc.
       b)      Informal situation, in this we can use when we speak with friends, classmate, etc.

3.       General Agreeing with an opinion
We use these words and phrases to agree with someone else's point of view:
  • Of course.
  • You're absolutely right.
  • Yes, I agree.
  • I think so too.
  • That's a good point.
  • Exactly.
  • I don't think so either.
  • So do I.
  • I'd go along with that.
  • That's true / it is true.
  • Neither do I.
  • I agree with you/him entirely.
  • That's just what I was thinking.
  • I couldn't agree more.
  • I share your view.
  • He may be right.
  • He is quite right / absolutely right.
  • I have no objection.
  • I approve of it.
  • I have come to the same conclusion.
  • I hold the same opinion.
  • We are of one mind / of the same mind on that question.
  • I am at one with him on that point.
  • That is just it!
  • Fair enough.
  • Quite so!
  • Just so!
  • Yes of course!
  • You are absolutely correct
  • That is good opinion.
4.    General Disagreeing with an opinion
We use these words and phrases to disagree with someone else's point of view:
  • That's different.
  • I don't agree with you/him/her.
  • I don't agree with what you say.
  • However…
  • That's not entirely true.
  • On the contrary…
  • I'm sorry to disagree with you, but…
  • Yes, but don't you think…
  • That's not the same thing at all.
  • I'm afraid I have to disagree.
  • I'm not so sure about that.
  • I must take issue with you on that.
  • It's unjustifiable to say that...
  • I do not agree.
  • I disagree.
  • I don’t think so.
  • You are / he is wrong.
  • I think otherwise.
  • I do not think that is quite right.
  • I take a different view.
  • I do not share his/her/your view.
  • This argument does not hold water.
  • Not at all!
  • Nonsense!
  • Rubbish!
  • He is off his/her head!
  • I have another opinion with you
  • I doubt about your opinion
  • I feel that you are wrong.
  • I have another thought
5.    How to use these phrases in your English:
  • ‘In my opinion‘ adalah ungkapan yang biasa digunakan dulu. maksud ku adalah ungkapan klasik lho. kuno gitu. – tapi ungkapan seperti ni tidak hanya satu. yang digunakan secara moderat/ tradisional/ kuno.
  • To my mind’ adalah ungkapan yang sering atau biasa digunakan dalam percakapan bahasa Inggris. tapi menulis juga bisa menggunakan ini.
  • ‘If you ask me’ adalah ungkapan yang sangat, sangat umum digunakan dalam percakapan bahasa inggris. dan dalam penulisannya bisa diawal dan juga diakhir kalimat.
  • To my way of thinking‘ sering digunakan dengan penekanan pada  ‘my’ untuk memberikan pendapat yang kuat.
  • ‘In my view’  ungkapan ini umumnya digunakan dalam percakapan dan penulisan bahasa Inggris.
  • Pertanyaaan yang disingkat, seperti  ‘(Do you) know what I think?’ adalah ungkapan yang popular dan biasa digunakan banyak orang. dan ini termasuk ungkapan yang sopan atau tidak kasar.
  • Susunan kalimat atau ungkapan yang berbentuk kondisional. sangat jarang digunakan dalam bentuk pengandaian, tapi ini juga salah satu ungkapan yang biasa digunakan dalam memberikan sebuah pendapat dalam bahasa inggris.
  • For me’  ungkapan ini sama dengan ungkapan atau phrase ke 2 dan ke 5.
  •  Ungkapan yang ke 10 sama dengan ungkapan nomor 6 yaitu ungkapan secara langsung.
   6.    Expression opinion in Dialogue
Dialogue 1
Mr. Angga: Hi Dio?
Mr. Dio: Hi Angga?
Mr. Angga: Have you heard about Terrorism in Sarina ?
Mr. Dio: Yes, I got information on television last night.
Mr. Angga: What do you think about that?
Mr. Dio: I think the terrorist is very brutal.
Mr. Angga: I think so, I hope next time there is no incident about it again.
Mr. Angga: Hi Dio?
Mr. Dio: Hi Angga?
Mr. Angga: Sudahkah kamu mendengar tentang tindakan teroris di Sarina ?
Mr. Dio: Ya, saya tahu dari informasi di Televisi tadi malam.
Mr. Angga: Apa pendapat kamu tentang kejadian tersebut?
Mr. Dio: Menurut saya Pelaku teroris tersebut sangat kejam.
Mr. Angga: Saya juga berpikir seperti itu. Saya berharap kedepanya tidak ada lagi kejadian seperti itu.
Dialogue 2
Nina: What is your opinion about my picture?
Nana: Wow! Amazing! I think it is very beautiful and colorful. I think you talent as a Painter or designer.
Nina: Thank you. By the way have you finished your homework?
Nana: Not yet. I have a problem about it. Can you help me?
Nina: Ok. No Problem. What do you think of English lesson?
Nana: I think English lesson is difficult. What about you?
Nina: I think English lesson is easy because it’s one of my favorite lesson.
Nina: Apa pendapatmu tentang gambarku?
Nana: Wow! menakjubkan! menurutku itu gambar yang bagus dan penuh warna. Saya berpendapat kamu mempunyai bakat sebagai pelukis atau sebagai perancang model.
Nina: Terima kasih. ngomong-ngomong sudah selesaikah pekerjaan rumahmu?
Nana: Belum. Aku mempunyai masalah dalam hal itu. dapatkah kamu membantuku?
Nina: Ok. tidak masalah. Apa pendapatmu tentang pelajaran Bahasa Inggris?
Nana: Menurutku Bahasa Inggris itu sulit. Bagaimana denganmu?
Nina: Menurutku pelajaran Bahasa Inggris itu mudah karena Bahasa Inggris adalah salah satu pelajaran kesukaanku .
Dialogue 3
Andy: Well, what do you think of my car?
Bimo: Well, personally, It looks comfortable. By the way, is it an expensive American car?
Andy: No, it’s a cheap small Japanese car.
Bimo: How many people can it take?
Andy: There’s room for five people.
Bimo: Has it got brakes?
Andy: Yes, there’re very good. The engine’s in the front, and there’s a big boot in the back.
Bimo: It’s looks well made
Andy: Would you like to come for drive?
Bimo: OK. Drive carefully, won’t you. There’s a lot of traffic today.

Dialogue 4
Maya: Nafa, do you think that English is difficult lesson?
Nafa: I don’t think so. I think there is no difficult lesson.
Maya: Pardon?
Nafa: Yes, I think if we learn seriously, there is no difficult lesson. It’s depend on our seriously.
Maya: I don’t think so, in my opinion, it’s difficult because I hard to do every tasks that are given by our teacher.
Nafa: According to me, it is because of you are lack of vocabularies. So, try to enrich your vocabulary then.
Maya: Em… I think so. Anyway, English in our class is scheduled at the last class, right?
Nafa: Yes. What do you think about it?
Maya: It’s good. There is no problem about it.
Nafa: I don’t think so. I think if English is in the first class, it will be easier to do the lesson. I am hard to follow that schedule.
Maya: But I think if we learn seriously, there is no hard in it. It’s depend on our seriously.
Nafa: hahaha are you kidding me? That’s my words!
Maya: I think so hahaha

Dialogue 5
Mr.Rasyid: What’s your opinion about The New English Book?
waldan: My opinion is such an expensive book. 
Mr. rasyid: Very good. How about you Lisa?
Gibran: Well, I think it’s  Ok. I Like That. it’s not too thick and no expensive. 
Mr. rasyid: Good. Any body has another opinion?
Tegar: Yes, I have. My opinion is that book is too thick. 
Mr. rasyid: Good. All your answers are correct. Do you understand, students?
Students: Yes. We got it, sir.
Mr. rasyid: Great. You’re really smart.
Students: Thank you.

Dialogue 6
Mr. Zoe:  What do you think of my new house?
Shane:  It is beautiful, I think. Oh….you have many novels in your new house.
Mr. Zoe:  Yeah, some. I like Andrea Hirata’s novels.
Shane:  How do you feel about Andrea Hirata’s novels ?
Mr. Zoe:  I feel they are great novels.
Shane:  Yes, you are right. I think it is going to rain.
Mr. Zoe: I don’t think so. Look outside at the sky! It’s so clear. No clouds there.
Shane: But I watched the weather forecast yesterday. It said that today is going to rain. OK Mr. Zoe see you.

Dialogue 7
Fina and Ayu are shopping at the mall 
Fina: what do you think about this T-Shirt ? I want to buy some T-Shirt for the party next week. 
Ayu: I think that blue one overthere is nicer for you. You will look beautiful if you wear that one. 
Fina: but, I it is too big for my body. 
Ayu: O.k lets find the right one for you, we still have so much time. 
Fina: oh. I agree with you.

Dialoge 8 Formal expression
Student: Miss Ratna, what is your opinion about my result   in this semester?
Teacher: I personally think your result in this semester is very  good, keep your grades Wulan.
Student: Thank you so much for your information Miss     Ratna.   I am very glad to hear that.

Dialogue 9 Informal expression
Dialogue 9a
Jaka:  What do you think of my new ball?
Reza:  I think your ball is nice.
Dialogue 9b
Cika: What is your idea about the stars in this night Aisyah?
Aisyah: Wow.. I think it is very beautiful..


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