Expression of Introduction - Sukrisno Nino
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9 Agustus 2018

Expression of Introduction

Expression of Introduction

Composed by Sukrisno-Nino

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A. Expression Formal Introduction
  • Good morning. My name is Beny
  • Please, allow me to introduce myself.
  • May I introduce myself. My name is Kasih
  • Would you mind if I introduce myself. My name is Kasih                     
  • Let me introduce myself        
  • I would like to introduce myself. My name is Kasih
  • Good evening. My name is Beny.
  • May I introduce myself? I'm Beny.
  • Let me introduce myself. My name is Beny.
  • How do you do? My name is Beny.
B. Responses
  • Good morning, how do you do?
  • How do you do, nice to meet you?
  • Oh, hello, nice to meet you
  • I am Kasih / my name's Kasih
  • Hi /Hello Mr Beny
  • Hi, I'm Kasih. Glad to meet you.
  • Hello. My name's Kasih. Pleased to meet you.
  • Good evening. I'm Kasih. How do you do?
  • How do you do? My name is Kasih. Nice to meet you.
Here are some Expression and Responses for an informal introduction
C. Expression Informal introduction
  • Hello, I am Kasih Nice to meet you 
  • Hi, I am Kasih Nice to meet you
  • Excuse me. I am Kasih what's your?
  • Hi, what's your name?
  • D. Responses
  • Hi, I am Beny. Nice to meet you 
  • Hello, I am Beny  Nice to meet you
  • I am Beny
  • Hello. I am Beny / My name's
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D. Example
Hi friends My name is Jack Ortiz. But please call me Jack or Carlitos. Carlitos is a Spanish name which means that Masculine in English. I was born in Texas on 31 October 1998. I am 18 years old. I live at Austin No. 40 Round Rock, Texas. I live with my parents. I am single and I am a student. I study at The University of Texas. I have taken a Business as my majoring.

E. Introducing Oneself
  • My name is Kartika (Nama saya Kartika)
  • My full name is Kartika Kirana (Nama lengkap saya Kartika Kirana)
  • My nick name is Kartika (Nama panggilan saya adalah Kartika)
  • Hi, I am Kartika (Hai, saya Kartika)
  • Hello, my name is Kartika (Halo, nama saya Kartika)
  • Good morning. My name is Kartika (Selamat pagi. Nama saya Kartika)
  • May I introduce myself? My name is Kartika (Bolehkah saya memperkenalkan diri? Nama saya Kartika)
  • Let me introduce myself. My name is Kartika. (Ijinkan saya memperkenalkan diri. Nama saya Kartika)
  • First of all, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Kartika (Sebelumnya, saya ingin memperkenalkan diri dulu. Nama saya Kartika)
  • How do you do? My name is Kartika (How do you do?. Nama saya Kartika)
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F. Responses
  • Hi, I'm Okki. Glad to meet you. (Hai, saya Okki. Senang bertemu dengan anda)  Hello, My name is Okki Pleased to meet you (Halo, nama saya Okki. Senang bertemu dengan anda)
  • Good morning. I am Okki How do you do?. (Selamat pagi. Nama saya Okki. How do you do?)
  • How do you do? My name is Okki. Nice to meet you (How do you do?. Nama saya Okki. Senang bertemu dengan anda)
G. Introducing Other
  • Do you know Kartika? (Apakah anda tahu Kartika?)
  • Have you met Kartika? (Pernahkah anda bertemu Kartika?)
  • This is a friend of mine,Okki. (Ini teman saya, Okki)
  • Ika, this is Okki, my friend. (Ika, ini Okki, teman saya)
  • May I introduce my friend, Mrs. Suryani? (Bolehkan saya memperkenalkan teman saya, Ibu Suryani?)
  • Please allow me to introduce our new Administration Manager. (Ijinkan saya untuk memperkenalkan manajer administrasi kita yang baru)
  • Let me introduce you to Mrs. Lina our new Marketing Manager.  Mrs. Lina. this is Mr. Lutfi from Java Plantation Company. (Ijinkan saya untuk memperkenalkan anda kepada Ibu Lina, Manajer Marketing baru kita. Ibu Lina, Ini adalah Bapak Lutfi dari perusahaan Java Plantation).
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H. Responses
  • No, I don't think so. (Sepertinya tidak)
  • No, I haven't. (Tidak, aku belum pernah)
  • Hi, glad to meet you. I am Okki. (Hai, senang bertemu dengan anda. Saya Okki)
  • Hello, Okki. Pleased to meet you. (Halo Okki. Senang bertemu denganmu)
  • I am glad to know you (Saya senang bisa mengenal anda)
  • It is nice to see you. (Senang bisa melihat anda)
  • How do you do? (Ungkapan saat baru bertemu pertama kalinya)
  • How do you do? It is very nice to meet you. (How do you do? senang sekali bisa bertemu dengan anda) 
I. 10 other (informal) ways to say "How are you?"
  • How are you doing?
  • How have you been?
  • How's everything? 
  • How's it going?
  • How are things going? 
  • What's going on? 
  • What's new?
  • What's up?
  • Whassup?
  • What are you up to? 
J. Neutral Versions (can be used in formal or informal situations):
  • "How are you?"
  • "How have you been?"
  • "How was your day?" - Asked at the end of the day
  • "How has your day been?" - Asked before the day is finished
  • "How are you going?" - Mainly used in Australia and New Zealand, but it's apparently used in parts of Ireland as well
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K. Formal Versions
  • "How do you do?"
  • "How are you doing?" - Less formal than "How do you do?", but still formal
L. Informal
  • "How's it going?"
  • "What's up?" - American. It can abbreviated to "Wassup?" or even just " 'Sup?", which are even more informal. Outside America, this means "What's wrong?".
  • "What's happening?" 
  • All the versions I labelled as 'neutral' can be made more informal by using abbreviations.
  • Example:
  • "How've you been?"
  • "How're you going?"
  • "How's your day been?"
  • etc.
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M. The thing you should know is about the 3 main points in conveying a material:
  • Opening
  • Main Idea
  • Closing
a. Opening
Is the first step where you should open by saying greeting.
Greeting has 2 types:
  • Formal / Official: Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening.
  • Informal / Unofficial: Hi, Hello
Example in the sentence:
Good morning Mr. Rudolph, I would like to introduce myself. (Formal)
Hi friends, I will introduce myself. (Informal)
b. Main Idea
Is the essence of the material to be delivered. In this case the Introduction.
What is the content in the Introduction?
  • Name:
  • Place and Date Born:
  • Age:
  • Address:
  • Status:
  • Religion:
  • Blood Code:
  • Hobby:
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Family Background:
1. Name
Name there are 2 kinds:
  • Full Name - Original Name
  • Nick Name - Popular Name
2. Place and Date Born
To make a sentence about Place and Date Born you will use the preposition:
  • In to Place
  • On for Date
Example in Sentence:
I was born in Texas on 31 October 1998
3. Age
Example in Sentence:
I am 18 years old.
4. Address
Example in Sentence:
  • I live in Texas. Still common
  • I live at Austin No 40 Round Rock, Texas. Specific lebis
5. Status / Status
Status has 2 types:
  • Marital Status / Relationship
  • Occupation
Example in Sentence:
  • I am single. - Marital Status.
  • I am a student. - Occupation.
6. Religion
Example in Sentence:
  • I am a Moslem.
  • If you are Muslim - I am a Moslem.
  • If you are Christian - I am a Christian.
  • If you are Hindus - I am a Hindoo.
  • If you are Buddhist-I am a Buddhist.
7.Blood Code
Example in Sentence:
My blood code is O
Hobbies are important in delivering introductory material / Introduction. Because of the hobby of chatter can be closer and familiar.
Example in Sentence :
I like playing the guitar and listening to the music.
9.Family Background
For Family Background, you can simply introduce your family in general.
Before introducing your family, it's a good idea to open it using the following sentence:
I would like to tell my family.
c. Closing
Is a cover sentence or often called Leave Taking
Example in Sentence:
Thanks for your time and your attention. It's nice to see you.

Finish This tidak perlu ditulis karena hanya alat bantu siswa untuk menyicil tugas.
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