Expressing Compliment - Sukrisno Nino
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17 November 2018

Expressing Compliment

Expressing Compliment 
Compliment in the words of praise is given to a person to appreciate the success or achievement in get it. Below are some examples of expressions that can be used to give a compliment to someone to intend well, for example:
  • ·         I (really) like your….
  • ·         I think you are very great
  • ·         That’s a (nice, lovely, good, etc.)…
  • ·         You look (good, handsome, beautiful, wonderful, etc.)..
  • ·         You are (really) good
  • ·         You’re wonderful on
  • ·         What a (beautiful, lovely, etc)
  • ·         It look good on you
  • ·         I think you look good in….
  • ·         I love…
  • ·         It’s very/so
  • ·         Good job/great

If we want to reply or respond to the praise that has been given to us, then we could use a few examples of bi expressions below: 

  • ·         Thank you
  • ·         Thanks
  • ·         It’s very kind of you say that
  • ·         I’m glad you like it
  • ·         Thank a lot

After we put the above sentence, we must use adjectives, such as : 

  • ·         Exelent
  • ·         Wonderful
  • ·         Good
  • ·         Terrific
  • ·         Magnificent

Kapan kita harus mengucapkan Compliment / Pujian kepada seseorang?
  • ·         Pada situasi umum,
  • ·         Ketika seseorang telah melakukan upaya mereka yang terbaik,
  • ·         Ketika kamu mengunjungi rumah seseorang untuk pertama kalinya,
  • ·         Jika kamu menyadari sesuatu yang baru dengan penampilan seseorang

Contoh Kalimat Compliment

  • ·         What a wonderful performance! (Penampilan yang sangat bagus!)
  • ·         I must express my admiration to you! (Saya harung mengungkapkan kekaguman saya kepadamu!)
  • ·         What a nice dress! (Gaun yang sangat bagus!)
  • ·         You look so gorgeous! (Kamu terlihat sangat anggun!)
  • ·         Great job! / Good job! (Kerja bagus!)
  • ·         What a beautiful skirt you are wearing! (Rok yang kamu pakai sangat bagus!)
  • ·         You really did a good job! (Kau melakukan kerja yang sangat bagus!)
  • ·         I'm proud of you! (Aku bangga padamu!)
  • ·         I think you are very great! (Aku rasa kau sangat luar biasa!)
  • ·         It looks good on you., (Itu terlihat bagus untukmu)
  • ·         You look beautiful today. (Kamu terlihat cantik hari ini)

  • ·         Thank you, (Terima kasih)
  • ·         Thanks, (Terima kasih)
  • ·         I am glad you like it, (Aku senang kau menyukainya)
  • ·         It is very kind of you to say that, (Baik sekali kau mengatakannya)
  • ·         Thanks a lot, (Terima kasih banyak)
  • ·         Thanks a lot for your appreciation, (Terima kasih atas apresiasimu)
  • ·         I am so grateful to you. (Aku sangat berterima kasih padamu)

Dialogue Compliment
Harsya: What a great Motorcycle you have, Pandu.
Pandu : Thank you, Harsya. I just finished modifying it.
Harsya: You mean this is the old motorcycle that you used to drive to school?
Pandu : Yes, it is.
Harsya: It looks a lot different. What did you do to it?
Pandu : Not much. I had it paint with a brighter colour and add some new accessories.
Harsya: Great job!
Pandu : Thanks.

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