Showing Care/ Sympathy - Sukrisno Nino
News Update

17 November 2018

Showing Care/ Sympathy

Showing Care/ Sympathy
Sympathy is feeling for someone without specifically understanding what they’re feeling.There are some expressions to show our sympathy to other people. Some of the examples are shown below.
  • ·         Oh, I am sorry to hear that
  • ·         That’s too bad
  • ·         What a pity of you!
  • ·         Be patient, it would be better soon
  • ·         I take my sympathy to you
  • ·         I sympathize with your condition
  • ·         I know how is your feeling
  • ·         It would be OK soon.

There are also some responses to accept sympathy from other people. Here the examples.
  • ·         Thank you very much
  • ·         It’s very kind of you
  • ·         I hope so
  • ·         That’s a pity, isn’t it?
  • ·         Thanks for your sympathy
  • ·         Thanks for your support
  • ·         I would be OK, thank you very much for your support

Kalimat Showing Care
  • I'm extremely sorry to hear that. (Aku sangat berduka mendengarnya)
  • I was deeply sorry to hear you sick. (Aku sangat berduka mendengarmu sakit)
  • Please accept my condolences. (Turut berbela sungkawa)
  • I know how it feels. (Saya tahu bagaimana rasanya)
  • I am sorry to hear that (Turut berduka cita)
  • That's too bad (Itu buruk sekali)
  • What a pity of you! (Kasihan sekali kamu!)
  • I sympathize with your condition. (Aku peduli dengan keadaanmu)
  • It would be OK soon. (Itu akan segera membaik)
  • Don't worry, I'm here for you. (Jangan khawatir, aku disini untukmu)
  • It is going to be alright. (Itu akan baik-baik saja)
  • You've helped me a lot during my difficult situation (Kau membantuku banyak pada saat aku kesusahan)
  • I am sorry about your accident. I'll always be here if you need my help. (Aku turut berduka dengan kecelakaanmu. AKu akan selalu disini jika kau ingin bantuanku)
  • I know you have tried your best. I am sure next time you will get a better score. (Aku tahu kau sudah mencoba yang terbaik. Aku yakin lain kali kau akan mendapatkan nilai yang lebih baik)
  • If you need anything, please just call me. (Jika kamu menginginkan sesuatu, telepon saja aku)

  • Thanks for your sympathy (Terima kasih banyak atas kepedulianmu)
  • Thank you so much (Terima kasih banyak)
  • Thank you so much, they are so lovely. (Terima kasih banyak, ini cantik sekali)
  • You are truly good friends (Kau benar benar teman terbaik)
  • It was very nice of you to think of me in this time of sadness (Kau sangat baik mau memikirkanku disaat waktu sedihku ini)
  • It is very kind of you (Kau baik sekali)
  • I hope so (Aku harap begitu)
  • That's a pity isn't it? (Kasihan kan?)
  • Thanks for your support (Terima kasih atas dorongannya)
  • I would be OK, thank you very much for your support. (Ini akan baik - baik saja. Terima kasih atas doronganmu)
  • That's what friends are for (Inilah artinya teman)
  • Thanks for your concern. (Terima kasih atas perhatianmu)
  • Yes, It is i will try harder next time (Ya aku akan mencoba lebih keras lain kali)
  • Thank you, I'd really appreciate that (Terima kasih. Aku sangat menghargai itu)

Dialogue Showing Care
Riki :Hello Prilly. (Halo Prilly)
Prilly : Hi Riki. (Hi Riki)
Riki : My deep condolences for your father loss. (Turut berduka cita atas meninggalnya ayahmu)
Prilly : Thank you, but it feels like i'm really broken now. (Terima kasih, tapi sepertinya aku sangat sakit hati sekarang)
Riki : I know how it feels. I will be with you whenever you need me. I promise. (Aku tahu bagaimana rasanya. Aku akan bersama denganmu kapanpun kau menginginkanku. Aku berjanji.)
Prilly : Thank you, you are really my best friend i've ever had. (Terima kasih, kau adalah teman terbaik yang aku punya)

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This is just an example, you can fill it later with your own note.