Exercise Where do you come from? - Sukrisno Nino
News Update

18 Maret 2022

Exercise Where do you come from?



Exercise Where do you come from?

Class: 3
Sub-material: Where do you come from?

B. Finish the dialogues below!
1.A: Where do you come from?
B: ___________________ Medan
2. A: Where does she come from?
B: ___________________ Surabaya
3. A: Where does he come from?
B: ___________________ Ngawi
4. A: Where do they come from?
B: ___________________ Ungaran
5.A: Where do we come from?
B: ___________________ Purwokerto
6.A: Where were you born?
B: ___________________ Jayapura
7. A: Where was she born?
B: ___________________ Banyuwangi
8. A: Where was he born?
B: ___________________ Bima
9. A: Where were they born?
B: ___________________ Riau
10. A: Where were we born?
B: ___________________ Sabang

C. Reading
Please translate into Bahasa Indonesian.
They are Berbi and Lion.
They come from Bandung.
Bandung is the capital city of West Java.
They speak the Sudanese language.
Jaipong is a traditional Bandung dance.
There are many interesting places in Bandung, such as Tangkuban Prau, Gedung Sate, Trans Studio Bandung, etc. 

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This is just an example, you can fill it later with your own note.