Offering Something - Sukrisno Nino
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12 Agustus 2018

Offering Something

Offering Something / Offering Help

Offering something is a way for someone to offer help to someone.

1.   Formal:
a.    Would you like to (Infinitive)
  • Would you like to eat?
  • Would you like to have a juice?
  • Would you like read magazine?
b.    Would you care for (Gerund/Noun)
  • Would you care for Bakwan Kawi?
  • Would you care for copying my materials?
c.    How about (Gerund/Noun)
  • How about eating in Olive Fried Chicken?
  • How about hanging up in Kalirejo?
d.    Could I offer you (Gerund/Noun)
  • Could I offer you a glass of ice tea?
  • Could I offer you an Ice Oyen?
e.    Would you mind (Gerund/Noun)
  • Would you mind closing the window?
  • Would you mind cooking the egg?
f.     Fancy (Gerund/Noun)
  • Fancy a drink?
  • Fancy cooking?
g.    Shall I (Infinitive)
  • Shall I bring your bag?
  • Shall I buy you some food?

2.   Informal
a.    Do you want to (Infinitive)?
  • Do you want to have a Rolade?
  • Do you want to buy a magazine?
  • Can I get you to (Infinitive)
  • Can I get you to drink?
  • What can I get for you?
  • Want some?
  • Grab some for yourself
  • Chocolate?
3.   Accepting Offer
  • thank you
  • yes, please
  • I'd like it very much
  • Thank you, I would ...
  • That would be very nice
  • I'm pleased to do that
  • With pleasure
  • Oh yes, I’d love to
  • That sounds nice
  • That’s very kind of you
4.   Refusing Offer
  • No, thanks
  • Not for me, thanks
  • No, I really won't thank you
  • I'd like to, but I have ...
  • I'm afraid I can't, thanks anyway
  • It would be a great pleasure to ... But I'm afraid I have ...
5. Phrase For Asking and Giving Help 
a. Asking help Formal
  • Could you possibly help me?
  • Could I possibly ask you to help me?
  • Would you be willing to help me?
  • Could you do me a favour, please?
  • Could you help me for a second?
  • I wonder if you could help me with this?
  • I could do with some help, please.
  • Could you spare a moment?
  • I need some help, please.
  • Could you give me a hand?
  • Would you mind helping me out?
  • Could you help me, please?
  • I need some assistance, please.
  • Would you help me?
b. Asking help Informal
  • Can you help me, please?
  • I can’t manage. Can you help?
  • Give me a hand with this, will you?
  • Lend me a hand with this, will you?
  • Let me give you my hand.
  • Can you give me a hand with this?
  • Can I ask a favour?
  • Can you help me?
  • Help me, please.
  • I really need you to help
  • Do me a favour, please
c. Offering help Formal
  • Would you like some help?
  • May I help you?
  • May I offer my assistance?
  • Could I help you?
  • What can I do for you?
  • What shall I do for you?
  • I’ll be glad to help?
d. Offering help Informal
  • Can I help you?
  • Need any help?
  • Do you need a hand?
  • Can I give you a hand?
  • Do you need any help?
  • Can I do anything to help?
  • Do you need any help?
e. Giving help Formal
  • I’d like to help you.
  • I’d be happy to help you.
  • Sure. what can I do for you?
  • Sure. I would be glad to help you
f. Giving help Informal
  • I will do it for you.
  • Let me help you.
  • Yes, I can help you
  • Yes, no problem.
  • Yes. How can I help you?
6. Using Modal Can
a. Asking for Help
  • Can you help me?
  • Can I use your dictionary?
  • Can I borrow your ruler?
  • Can you open the window?
  • Can you take a book for me?
b. Offering Help
  • Can I help you?
  • Can I get you something to drink?
  • What can I do for you?
  • How can I do for you?
7. Using Modal May
a. Asking for Help
  • May I ask something for you?
  • May I go home early?
  • May I borrow your bicycle?
  • May I go to the movie?
  • May I call you?
b. Offering Help
  • May I help you?
  • How may I help you?
8. Would/ Could
a. Asking for Help
  • Could you help me?
  • Could you show the best way?
  • Would you mind bring my bag?
  • Would you mind help my home work?
9. Using Let
a. Offering Help
  • Let me help you?
  • Let me open the door?
10. Example How to Give and ask to offer

a. Example 1
Situation: Mrs Laura will prepare for dinner in the kitchen and her son “Jimmy” will help her to do something. Let’s find out!
Jimmy: Hi mom…
Mrs Laura: Hi, sweety… have you finished your school homework?
Jimmy: Yes, mom. I’ve already done it.
Mrs Laura: Good boy… There is your milk in the refrigerator.
Jimmy: Okay, mom. I’ll take it. Mom…??
Mrs Laura: Yes, sweety. What’s going on?
Jimmy: What will you cook for our dinner?
Mrs Laura: I’ll cook your favourite food and some vegetables.
Jimmy: Do you need chilli and pepper?
Mrs Laura: Yes, of course. Thank you.
Jimmy: Let me take them for you.
Mrs Laura: Thanks, but pepper is here. Just give me chilli, please.
Jimmy: Okay. Here it is. Anything else, mom?
Mrs Laura: Can you help me to take some eggs? 
Jimmy: That’s no problem. How many eggs do you need, mom?
Mrs Laura: Two eggs, please. They are in the cabinet.
Jimmy: I see. Here you are.
Mrs Laura: Thank you, sweety.
Jimmy: You are welcome, mom. Anything else?
Mrs Laura: Wait a minute. Can you come here?
Jimmy: Yes, mom.
Mrs Laura: Please make up these vegetables.
Jimmy: I like it. Someday I wanna be a chef like you do.
Mrs Laura: That’s a good idea. But, how about your father’s idea, because he wants you to be an army.
Jimmy: I can be an army, but not on the battlefield.
Mrs Laura: What do you mean?
Jimmy: I will join the forces but my position will be in the kitchen. I’ll cook for them.
Mrs Laura: Hahahaha… That’s so funny.
Jimmy: It’s done for the vegetables.
Mrs Laura: Wow…Nice.
Jimmy: See… I’m able to be a chef someday.
Mrs Laura: I’m sure about it, sweety.
Jimmy: Let me clean the dining table, mom.
Mrs Laura: How kind of you. Thanks a lot.
Jimmy: No problem mom.
Mrs Laura: The doorbell is ringing. That must be your father. Please open the door.
Jimmy: I’m on my way.

b. Example 2
Andy: Here. Have a cookie.
Bryan: Thanks.
Andy: Would you like some cake?
Bryan: No thank you. It looks delicious though.
Andy: How about a glass of coffee?
Bryan: Thanks, but I don’t drink coffee.
Andy: What will you have to drink?
Bryan: Manggo juice will be fine.
Andy: Would you like some more pie?
Bryan: Sure. It’s really good. Did you bake it yourself?
Andy: Can I get you some milk or something?
Bryan: Well, a glass of water would be okay.

c. Example 3
Boy: "Hi!"
Girl: "Hello!"
Boy: "Are you hungry?"
Girl: "No, I'm not."
Boy: "Are you thirsty?"
Girl:  "Yes, I am."
Boy: "Would you like a cup of coffee?"
Girl: "Yes, please."
Boy: "Here's your coffee."
Girl: "Thank you."
Boy: "You're welcome. Goodbye."
Girl: "Bye

d. Example 4
Mr. George is cleaning his garden. He uses many gardening tools such as sickle, hoe, spade, and big scissors. Billy is offering a help.
Billy                : “what are you doing, Dad”
Mr. George   : “I am going to plant some vegetables”
Billy                : “can I help you?” (offering)
Mr. George   : “yes, please clean the soil from the grass after I hoe” (accepting) Billy   : “Certainly, Dad”

e. Example 5
Expression of Offering to bring something – At the PartySarah : Hey, everyone! Thank you for coming to my party
Yani : It’s a very kind of you for having us here, Sarah. Happy birthday, by the way
Fanti : We are really glad to come here. Happy birthday, Sarah
Rendra : Yeah, your party is really nice. Happy birthday, Sarah
Sarah : Thank you, everyone. I’m very happy to have you here too. By the way, have you enjoyed the food? Would you like some tart cake? I have tart cake from my parents.
Rendra : Oh, really? Is that okay? I would love to have some
Yani : Oh, thank you, Sarah. Please, don’t bother
Fanti : Thank you, Sarah. It’s okay. Thank you for the offer
Rendra : Well… if nobody likes it, maybe you can get some for me, Sarah
Yani : Oh, don’t be so ravenous, Rendra! You have just eaten many sweets.
Rendra : Oh… but….
Sarah : Hahaha. Its okay… it’s okay, guys. I really don’t mind. Okay, wait a minute, I’ll get the cake.
Fanti : Oh forgive Rendra, Sarah. We’re sorry for troubling you.
Rendra : Yes, thank you, Sarah. Just a tiny slice will be okay.
Sarah : Hahaha. It’s alright, guys. Okay, enjoy the party while I’m going for the cake. (Sarah going to bring the cake)
Rendra : Hey, I drank a very fresh smoothie right there. Do you want some smoothies?
Yani : Really? Yes, I want some!
Fanti : Oh no thank you. I get cough. I think I’m not going to drink cold drinks for a while.
Rendra : Well, there is a hot chocolate drink. Shall I help yourself to some hot chocolate?
Fanti : Oh really? Thank you, Rendra. That’s a very kind of you.
Rendra : No problem. Okay, I will get the drinks. You two wait here for Sarah.
Fanti : Alright. Thank you, Rendra.

F. Example 6
Kissha : Hey you looks pale, what's wrong with you? 
Helen : My stomach hurts, maybe this is because I didn't take breakfast this morning. 
Kissha : May I bring you to the UKS? 
Helen : Sure, It would be really helpful. 
Kissha : Would you like me to bring you some foods?
Helen : Yes please. 
Kissha : Okay, but I will take you to UKS first then I will bring you foods and medicine. 
Helen : Thanks Kissha, It's very nice of you. 
Kissha : It was friends are for.


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