Weather and Season Text and Vocabulary I - Sukrisno Nino
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8 April 2022

Weather and Season Text and Vocabulary I

Weather and Season Text and Vocabulary I

Grade: 3rd

Semester: 2

Translate and read the text! 

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A. Vocabulary

a. Today:

b. Saturday

c. Play:

d. Football:

e. Brother:

f. Warn:

g. Bring:

h. Raincoat:

i. Cloudy:

j. Predict:

k. Afternoon:

l. Rain:

m. Arrive:

n. Field:

o. Sun:

p. Shine:

q. Brightly: 

r. Hot:

s. Keep:

t. Wet:

u. Weather:

B. Text to Read

Today is Saturday.

I am going to play football with my brother.

My mother warns me to bring a raincoat because it is cloudy.

She predicts that this afternoon there will be rain.

After arriving in the field, the sun shines brightly.

It is a very hot afternoon.

I keep my raincoat in my bag.

I am starting to get wet because the weather is very hot.

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