How do we command? - Sukrisno Nino
News Update

24 Maret 2022

How do we command?


Class: 4 Grade

Second Semester

Commands are sentences that tell someone what to do. (Perintah adalah kalimat yang memberitahu seseorang apa yang harus dilakukan)

Example How to Use Command:

Don’t try this at home!

Don’t watch TV too close!

Don’t drink coffee before sleep!

Don’t sleep at the class!

Don’t read book under the low light!

Cook the rice in the morning, please!

Bring your plate to the kitchen, please!

Eat your breakfast, please!

Wash your hand before eating, please!

Cut the grass, please!


Don’t is used to give prohibition. (Don't digunakan untuk memberi larangan)

Please is a polite way to ask for help or something. (Please adalah cara yang sopan untuk meminta bantuan atau sesuatu)

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