Where do you come from? - Sukrisno Nino
News Update

10 Maret 2022

Where do you come from?

Where do you come from?

Class: III
Second Semester
Where do you come from?
A. First Meeting 
Where do you come from? ( Kamu berasal darimana?)
I am from__________ (City, Province, Country) 
Saya berasal dari __________ (Kota, Provinsi, Negara)
I come from__________ (City, Province, Country)
Saya berasal dari __________ (Kota, Provinsi, Negara)

Where were you born?
Dimana kamu lahir?
I was born in __________ (City, Province, Country) 
Saya lahir di __________  (Kota, Provinsi, Negara)

B. Second Meeting
1. Question: Where do you come from?
Answer: I come from Singapore.
2. Question: Where do I come from?
Answer: You come from Singapore
3. Question: Where does she come from?
Answer: She comes from Singapore
4. Question: Where does he come from?
Answer: He comes from Singapore
5. Question: Where do they come from?
Answer: They come from Singapore
6. Question: Where do we come from?
Answer: We come from Singapore
7. Question: Where does Naila come from
Answer: Naila comes from Singapore

Where are you from? = Where do you come from?
I am from _______ = I come from _______

1. Question: Where were you born?
Answer: I was born in Australia
2. Question: Where was I born?
Answer: You were born in Australia
3. Question: Where was she born?
Answer: She comes from Singapore
4. Question: Where was he born?
Answer: He comes from Singapore
5. Question: Where were they born?
Answer: They come from Singapore
6. Question: Where were we born?
Answer: We come from Singapore
7. Question: Where was Gerald born?
Answer: Gerald was born in Australia

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