Postgraduate Certificate in Social Innovation Management Kenya/Brazil 2016 - Sukrisno Nino
News Update

9 November 2015

Postgraduate Certificate in Social Innovation Management Kenya/Brazil 2016


Deadline: 11 January 2016

The Post Graduate Certificate in Social Innovation Management is a personalized, field-based program that brings together a diverse group of 40 like-minded individuals from around the world, all passionate about building the professional & personal skills to lead change and create positive impact.

The program combines skill-building courses facilitated by global practitioners around the topics of Leadership, Management, Creativity & Problem-solving, and Communication with a hands-on experience of making change in an organization you care about. You will gain relevant expertise, practical experience of changemaking, and leadership insights to take you to the next level.

There are 20 spots available in each location (Brazil and Kenya) – ARE YOU ONE OF THEM?


The Amani Institute is about developing whole individuals who have the knowledge and practical skills required to solve today's problems and the networks to be equipped to take on social challenges.
Throughout our model, we will be focusing on developing 4 essential skills for leaders of the future to master. These are also the core values by which we will measure our own impact in the world, and continually strive to live up to ourselves. They include the vision to see what needs to change, the courage to step into the unknown, the empathy to work effectively with others, and an ethos of change-making in the service of building a more peaceful world.
See more at: Visit (click)


This unique, field-based, full-time program brings together 25 individuals from different countries, backgrounds, and sectors to build the skills needed for careers in making social change. Over the course of 10 months, you will train at the depth and pace necessary to succeed in this field – the intensity is equivalent to a 2-year traditional master’s degree – while exploring a city with a thriving innovation and entrepreneurship culture.


What do we look for in a program participant?
If you meet the majority of the requirements below, we would love to receive your application.
A university degree (undergraduate)
Ideally two years of practical experience (either working or volunteering)
Evidence of commitment to social change through your personal and/or professional life
Strong desire to develop yourself further both professionally and personally


Sign up for:
25 classmates from around the world
Facilitated apprenticeship placement/consulting project
Developing your own social innovation project
Skills courses taught by global experts
Personalized leadership development
3 field immersion experiences the country
20+ guest speakers from around the world
Individual coaching from Amani faculty
Field experience in a thriving city for innovation

Visit Official Website: Link 1 and Link 2 (Click) 
If you want to apply: Online Application (Click)

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