Weltwaerts Reverse Program IJGD 2016-2017 - Sukrisno Nino

15 Februari 2016

Weltwaerts Reverse Program IJGD 2016-2017

Weltwaerts Reverse Program IJGD 2016-2017

Deadline: 25th of February 2016
Country: Germany

Weltwaerts Reverse Program is volunteering program in Germany funded 100% by the German Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and one German hosting organisation, IJGD. IJGD has been hosting and sending plenty of volunteers during the year and willing to support the program to its best. Please visit http://www.ijgd.de/en.html for more information about IJGD.
This program lets the volunteer in Asia, Africa and Latin America to join a program in Germany for 12 months. This year GREAT is selected as one of sending organizations to send four (4) Indonesian volunteers for this particular program. Therefore we open this call for Weltwaerts Reverse Program – Weltwaerts South-North Program IJGD 2016-2017.

·         Indonesian Youth activists in the frame of International Voluntary Service movement.
·         Must be 18 – 28 Years old, on 1-9-2016 to 31-8-2017.
·         Holding passport valid at the latest until March 2018.
·         Interested in staying in Germany for 12 Months.
·         Minimum cetificate German level requirements; A1, or still pursuing German Course.

·         Flight ticket round trip from Indonesia to German.
·         Cost of German Intensive Course.
·         Cost of Visa.
·         Accommodation and meals during project.
·         Project material needed during project .

Please submit all your application documents above to outgoing@greatindonesia.org
At the latest on 25
th of February 2016 at 11.59 pm Western Indonesia Time (WIB).

Visit Official Website: Visit (click)
(Your applicant sheets and all the procedural) 

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Read carefully and if you want to know further information, please contact the stakeholder committee by email. 
Feel free to asking and contacting them. 
Let us be a smart applicant. 
Sharing is caring, loving you as my heart. 

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