Showing Intention - Sukrisno Nino
News Update

15 Agustus 2018

Showing Intention

Showing Intention
A. Meaning
Intention means: 
A thing intended: an aim or plan.
Example: If his intention are not honorable, I never want to see him again.

B. Phrase Showing Intention
Asking Intention
- What is the plan? (What’s the plan?)
Apa rencananya?
- Do you have any plans?
Apakah kamu memiliki rencana?
- What do we want to achieve?
Apa yang ingin kita capai?
- What do you intend to do? / What do you plan to do?
Apa yang ingin kamu lakukan?
- What are you going to do?
Apa yang akan kamu lakukan?
- Any plan to (infinitive)?
Ada rencana untuk….?
- Are you thinking of (Gerund/Noun)?
Apa yang sedang kamu fikirkan tentang…?
Do you have any intention of (Gerund/Noun)?
Apakah kamu memiliki niat …?
- Is it your intention to (Infinitive)?
Apakah niat anda untuk…?

The example of how to use it:
- Where will you go next holiday?
- What will you do after graduating from college?
- What’s your plan tonight?
- What will you do next week?
- What do you plan to do?
- What are you going to do tomorrow?
- What do you want to do?

Expressing Intention
- I am going to (Inf)
Example: I am going to work together with Budi.
- I would like to (Inf)
Example: I would like to buy a new handphone.
- I will (Inf)
Example: I will eat in Olive Fried Chicken
- I would rather (inf)
Example: I would rather run than sleep at class.
- I am planning to (inf)
Example: I am planning to hike this semester.
-I will make an effort to (Inf)
Example: I will make an effort to have a good absent in Mr. Nino classes.
-I am thinking of (gerund/Noun)
Example: I am thinking of cooking together when we have a break time.
- I reckon I will (inf)
Example: I reckon I will study hard.
- I have every intention of (Gerund/noun)
Example: I have every intention of helping my mom.
- I fully intend to (Inf)
Example: I fully intend to get a higher score.
- It is my intention to (inf)
Example: It is my intention to visit my grandmother.

Preposition of time used in this tenses are:
- Tomorrow
- Next
- Next week
- Tonight
- Next month
- Etc

Other examples of how to use it:
I will teach you how to make omelet.
Sasa will plant a flowers.
Me and my family going to Bali this holiday.
We will go to cinema.
My friends and I going to hospital
I am going to buy some vegetables
I will play ball with my friend
My brother going to meet his friend
Tania will sleep in my house
I am going to beach this week

C. How to use it?
Santi : So, what about you, Bayu? Do you have any plans? 
(jadi bagaimana denganmu bayu? apakah kamu punya rencana?)
Bayu : Definitely! My dad and I are going to go fishing. We plan to go fishing in a lake near my uncle's house. Would you like to come with us? 
(Tentu saja. Ayahku dan aku akan pergi memancing. Kami berencana memancing di danau dekat rumah pamanku. Maukah kamu datang bersama kami?)
Santi : I don't really like fishing. I would rather stay at home than go fishing. What about you Riri? What would you like to do on the long weekend? 
(Aku tidak terlalu suka memancing. Aku lebih baik diam di rumah daripada pergi memancing. Bagaimana denganmu Riri? Apa yang akan kamu lakukan pada liburan panjang?)
Riri : I have made a plan with my mother about what to do on this long weekend. We are going to practice baking cookies. 
(aku sudah punya rencana dengan ibuku tentang apa yang akan dilakukan di liburan panjang. Kami akan praktek membuat kue kering)
Bayu : Are you going to bake choco chips cookies like that the last time? 
(Apakah kamu akan membuat kue choco chips seperti waktu itu.?)
Riri : Well, yes. That is my favourite. But we will also try to make ginger cookies. 
(Tentu iya, itu adalah kesukaanku, tapi kami akan mencoba untuk membuat kue jahe)
Riri : Oh, would you like to join me to learn baking cookies? You can come to my house. 
(Oh, Apakah kamu ingin bergabung bersamaku untuk belajar membuat kue kering? kamu bisa datang ke rumahku)
Bayu : It's a good idea! Or will you go fishing with me and my dad? 
(Itu ide yang bagus! atau kamu akan pergi memancing bersama aku dan ayahku?)
Santi : Uhm, not fishing I guess. But I think I would like to bake cookies with Riri. Thanks for asking me to join you Riri.
 (Uhm, sepertinya aku tidak mau memancing. Tapi sepertinya aku ingin memanggang kue dengan Riri. Terima kasih karena mengajakku bersamamu Riri)
Read the dialog below:
Budi: “Hi Amir, what’s up?”
Amir: “Hello, I’m fine thanks. How about you?”
Budi: “I am doing well. By the way, next week is the semester holiday. Have you got any plans?”
Amir: “I don’t know, but I think I will spend the holiday at home with my parents. What about you?”
Budi: “I am going to go to Bali Island. I have never been there before.”
Amir: “People say the Bali is really beautiful. Which resorts will you visit?”
Budi: “Perhaps, I will go to Kuta Beach.”
Amir: “Will you surf, then?”
Budi: “No, I won’t. I cannot swim, Amir.”
Amir: “So, What are you going to do there?”
Budi: “I am going to enjoy the sunset, play sand on the beach and enjoying the scenery.”
Amir: “That sounds great! I hope you enjoy your holiday, Budi.”
The above dialogue illustrated about the holiday plan or an intention on going for a vacation.  There are basically two ways in expressing intentions, or purpose. Firstly, when the decision is already made before a conversation takes place. Secondly when the decision is made spontaneously during a conversation.

D. Other Examples Showing Intention
Example Dialogue 1
Anandi : Could you buy me cotton thread and knitting tools?
Rahmani : Of course. But, what are you doing to do with them?
Anandi : I'm planning to knit a bag.
Rahmani : What for?
Anandi : I want to give it to Nina, my friend. She really wants to have knitting bag. So, I intend to grant her desire.
Rahmani : That's a wonderful idea!

Example Dialogue 2
Anto : Hey, u look so serious. What’s the matter ?
Binto : Oh.., i’m just thinking about something
Anto : What is it about ?
Binto : I’m thinking that i’m gonna hold a Iftar together (Break Fasting) party in our classin this year.
Anto : Wow, sounds great !
Binto : Really ? U think so ?
Anto : Yeah. But what’s the purpose of that party ?
Binto : I’m just thinking that’s the best idea to gathering all of our class members during the Ramadhan this year
Anto : I think it would be nice if we also make an event, like change our present to our friends
Binto : Ok. Now, i need to have permission from head master. I need his permit to use our class room on Iftar together (Break Fasting)  and talk to our mother class to ask her to come and participate in that party
Anto : is there anything that I could do ?
Binto : we also need to make permission’s letter to give to our parents. It would be helpful if u make it.
Anto : sure. With my pleasure

Example Dialogue 3
Fera: Hy Elvi!
Elvi: Hy Fera!
Fera: Do you already have any plan for this holiday?
Elvi: Not really. How about you?
Fera: I am planning to spend my holiday at my hometown.
Elvi: Your hometown? Where is it?
Fera: Lampung. I missed my hometown so much. It has been a year since the last time I visited my hometown.

Example Dialogue 4
Adi: What are you doing Tio?
Tio: Nothing. I am just listening to music.
Adi: Have you heard that Budi’s house was on fire?
Tio: Yes, I have.
Adi: Don’t you want to help him? I thought you two quite close.
Tio: I intended to help him, but he said that he is fine and he doesn’t need my help.
Adi: He really said that?
Tio: Yes, he did.
Adi: Maybe he got emotional and said that to you. Just let him alone for now.
Tio: Yes I know.
Lia: Eva, have you heard that “Music Bank” concert will be held in Indonesia?
Eva: No, I haven’t heard that. Really?
Lia: Yes, really. I intend to save some money from now to buy the ticket.
Eva: I also will do it. So, we can watch the concert together.
Lia: Yeah. That’s great!


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