Account for and Adhere to, Apa itu? - Sukrisno Nino
News Update

21 Desember 2019

Account for and Adhere to, Apa itu?

Pada episode 1 ini, kita akan membahasa tentang Account for and Adhere to. Apa sih arti dari makna itu dan bagaimana cara penggunaanya. Let’s check this out!!!

1. Account For (Something)
Meaningnya adalah;  
a. to be the reason why something happens,
b. If something accounts for a particular fact or situation,
c. it causes or explains it, If you can account for something, you can explain it or give the necessary information about it.
Setelah check bebrapa kamus bahasa inggris, account for ini lebih dekat sama Explain. Account for synonym dari explain.
Bagaiamana cara penggunaanya???
Account for
a. How do you account for your TOEFL test?
b. Can you account for your movements to win the competition?

Lanjutnya yaitu
2. Adhere to
Meaningnya adalah
a. to continue to behave according to a particular rule, agreement, or belief
b. to obey a rule, law, agreement etc
c. to act in the way that is required by (something, such as a rule, belief, or promise
Setalah mengerti penjelasan diatas, bisa ditarik kesimpulan bahwa adhere to itu sama halfa kita follow the rule atau obey to rule or believe.
a. Andri adheres to the family rules.
b. Ahmad adheres to a blend of muslims teachings.
Itu adalah penjelasan tentang Account for dan Adhere to. It is easy to learn right, isn’t it?
Untuk selanjutnya, coba selesaika soal ini untuk mengetahui tingkat pemahaman temen-temen.
Arrange these words into a good sentence.
a. be – standards - by – Certain  - to -  must – Students-  adhered
b. behavior – school – his - pressure – may – for - Recent – account - at.

Kunci jawaban akan di post soon ya.. hhi

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