IELTS Writing Essay Practice, Task 2 - Sukrisno Nino
News Update

20 Desember 2015

IELTS Writing Essay Practice, Task 2

Yang perlu dipersiapkan:
1. Buku Kosong.
2. Pulpen/Pensil.
3. Penghapus.
4. Time Keeper. (Bisa pakai hp atau sejenisnya. Yang terpenting buat timer)
Apa yang harus aku lakukan?
1. Baca pertanyaannya dari essaynya.
2. Baca dan pelajari model essaynya.
3. Kalau sudah, kamu tulis essay minimal 250 kata dalam waktu 40 minutes.
4. Selesai tidak selesai, dalam waktu 40 minute harus berhenti. (Tidak boleh ada tambahan waktu)
Kalau sudah, apa yang harus aku lakukan?
Kamu bisa cari temen atau dosen/guru untuk check tulisanmu. Kalau tidak ada, diamkan tulisanmu dan teruslah berlatih menulis dan bisa melihat contoh essay yang lain di blog ini. InsyaAllah aku akan coba carikan dan berikan contoh yang lain. Biarkan saja tulisanmu seperti itu. Tugasmu adalah berlatih menulis dan terus menulis.  
Note: Tulis sebisamu dan semampumu dalam waktu tersebut. Tulis sesuai pengalamanmu dan  menurut idemu. Tidak boleh mencontek dari artikel atau mengambil ide dari bacaan dibawah ini. Tidak boleh membuka kamus apapun. Jika sudah, diamkan tulisanmu dan baca lagi model essaynya dari sample dibawah ini. Kalau ada vocab yang gak bisa, bisa dibuka kamus kalau sudah selesai waktunya. Kamu tidak boleh mengedit tulisan tersebut. Ulangi lagi next day, InsyaAllah akan ada contoh sample essay yang lain.
Jika kamu kurang puas, next day artikel ini bisa dibaca ulang lagi dan teruslah berlatih sampai kamu puas dengan tulisanmu. Lakukan menulis ini sehari sekali agar kamu tidak bosen. Jika tulisanmu kurang bagus karena grammar atau vocabulary yang kurang, belajar lagi di dua case tsb. Ulangi lagi latihan menulisnya hari berikutnya dan jika kurang puas, ulangi lagi dengan cara tadi. Jika sudah puas atau mau skip, bisa next essay sample question yang lain.
Kamu akan rugi jika hari ini setelah membaca artikel ini tapi kamu tidak berlatih menulis. Berlatihlah ketika kamu belum bisa dan berproses terus memperbaiki sampai bisa. Kalau yang kamu bisa lakukan bahasa Inggrisnya campur2, lakukan sebisamu dan lakukan yang terbaik. InsyaAlllah kamu bisa dapat nilai IELTS yang tinggi. Teruslah berproses hingga hari ini lebih baik dari kemarin, at least, hari ini melakukan yang terbaik yaitu sudah mencoba berlatih lebih dari yang kemarin.
Semoga bisa membantu, semangat ya dan terus belajar. Mulai dari yang kamu dan teruslah belajar.
Yuk pelajari. . . Ajak temenmu untuk belajar ini. Siapa tahu, temenmu bisa bantu kamu untuk koreksi atau saling koreksi satu sama lain… ^.^
Please enjoy your learning. . . .
IELTS Writing Task 2 - Attending a live performance is more enjoyable than watching the same event on television
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Attending a live performance (for example, a play, concert , or sporting event) is more enjoyable than watching the same event on television. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.
Sample Essay 1:
Observing some events in real time in person has very different impact on human nature than watching recorded or broadcasted version. Liking and disliking varies from person to person, some people are delighted to attend events in live show and others prefer to watch them while sitting in their bed room. In my opinion live programs are more recreational, socializing and provides chance to meet favorite actors or heroes and even one can get autograph.

Firstly, while attending live events we can enjoy more because of charged audience and amusing environment. Audience clap, dance, shouts and narrates slogan to warm the pleasant environment. At the end of event we can meet the distinguished people and even can take their pictures with you.

Secondly, these recreational shows gather multidimensional joys and happiness with them. We schedule the programs with our family and friends and go to some place with food and cameras.  Live shows are source of socialization, we can meet our friend and even we can make new friends. Phenomenon of silent learning works, we learn few new things without effortful intention to learn that valuable quality. We may save our sweet memories with people around us by taking video shots.

On the other hand to join real time shows are expensive, we have to spend reasonable amount of money to join it. Moreover we have to manage time to execute our attendance.  While watching these programs when they are broadcasted it is inexpensive and one can manage his daily routine by working around.

In conclusion we should join live programs to make our self more happy and cheerful but not at the cost of duty and disturbance in daily routine. Before choosing the option of these programs one should consider that expense   of tickets should not disturb the monthly budget of family.
[ Written by - Rizwan Chattha  ]
Model Answer 2:
The issue whether to attend a live performance or enjoy watching the same event on TV is a controversial one. However, in my opinion an intermediate position can be taken. I base my suggestion on the following points. But before I begin I think I need to clarify what kind of live performances I like. I mostly attend concerts and prefer to see sport events on TV.
First of all, watching an event on TV can bring many advantages. One can relax and settle in his favorite chair, eating a cake or having a drink. One does not have to spend time driving to the place where an event takes place. Also, he does not spend money on a ticket. Moreover, sometimes sitting in front of a TV set one is likely to see more interesting parts of a show more clearly with the help of an operator. Second of all, the weather is no longer of that importance. He does not care that it is rainy or chilly outside.
From the other side, attending a live performance has many advantages too. Firstly, people can enjoy the songs as they are in a real time. Personally, I like to attend a live performance because they give much positive energy and many beautiful moments. Frankly, watching a show at home does not give me that. One can enjoy loud music, the closeness of his favorite stars and shout the songs he likes.
In summary, I prefer to attend live performances in the case of a concert and show. However, in contrast, I prefer to watch sport events on television at home.

Refrensi: Mentor IELTS.IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample 143 - Attending a live performance is more enjoyable than watching the same event on television.19 Desember 2015.

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